
Using `postcard` to talk to your Microcontroller

Tuesday (day 1) 09:00-13:00

This workshop is focused on setting up communications between a host PC and an embedded system. Having the skills to do this quickly and reliably can help your next project, whether you are starting a project that requires heavy interaction with a host PC, or setting up a testing interface for triggering hardware events, or building tooling to make it easier to see what your system is doing.

James will explain the different crates that can be used, how they fit together, and techniques + recipes for solving a number of common challenges. You'll build your own communication link over USB to a microcontroller. This workshop is best suited to developers that are comfortable writing and running Rust on `no_std` microcontrollers already, particularly using the `embassy` framework. You will be provided working projects to start from, and will be expected to customize and extend them to achieve the different goals of the workshop.

This workshop is led by James Munns of OneVariable UG. James is the author of the `postcard` crate, and has built dozens of PC-to-MCU links like these for client projects over the past years.

Workshop by

James Munns

Embedded, systems and Rust consultant & Director @ OneVariable

James is a software engineer currently living in Berlin. He primarily works with Rust and Embedded Systems.

Get your ticket!

Conference incl workshop tickets are sold out.

Already have a ticket for the conference?
You'll need an additional workshop ticket.

  • Workshop ticket - Individual - € 225
  • Workshop ticket - Employer-paid - € 300

Go to Workshop tickets, and choose the "Postcard" workshop ticket.

Building UIs with Makepad

Tuesday (day 1) 14:00-17:30

In this workshop we will use a small RiscV microcontroller (ESP32C3, provided by the workshop) to build a connectionless chat application running on your PC written with the Makepad UI library. We will be using the ESP NOW protocol, an IOT protocol that allows you to send and receive messages without being connected to a wifi hotspot. The Rust toolchain and libraries needed to program this MCU are available directly from cargo and crates io, as well as makepad studio and framework. We will use Makepad Studio to write both the MCU program and the chat UI that connects to the ESP32 over USB serial and thus allows sending and receiving these messages from the local space. At end we will hopefully have a working local (lossy) chatroom.

In this workshop you will be introduced to:

  • Embedded Rust programming (no_std) on the esp32c3 RiscV toolchain
  • Writing simple Rust UI applications with Makepad Studio for Makepad UI framework.

Workshop by

Rik Arends

Founder @ Makepad

Get your ticket!

Conference incl workshop tickets are sold out.

Already have a ticket for the conference?
You'll need an additional workshop ticket.

  • Workshop ticket - Individual - € 225
  • Workshop ticket - Employer-paid - € 300

Go to Workshop tickets, and choose the "Makepad" workshop ticket.


Wednesday (day 2) 09:00-13:00

Are you a happy Rust developer, who cannot wait but struggles to introduce Rust at their day job? Is the fear of working with foreign code keeping your team from getting to work with your favourite programming language? This workshop is for you!

In the Mix-in-Rust, you'll get the tools and know-how to introduce Rust in your current, non-rust projects. We'll go over the hardships of FFI, the way Rust tackles them, and what tooling is out there to make Rust speak other langauges.

Note that during this worksop, we'll assume intermediate knowledge of Rust, as well as some basic knowledge of C. Basically, you should know what a pointer is.

Workshop by

Henk Oordt

Rust trainer & Embedded software engineer @ Tweede golf

Henk is an embedded software engineer at Tweede golf, and one of the lucky people that mainly use Rust in embedded. He's so passionate about Rust that he can't help spreading the word by hosting Rust training for all kinds of areas, and by developing teach-rs, the modular, reusable Rust university course platform.

Tamme Dittrich

Embedded Rust engineer @ Tweede golf

With both an educational and professional background in industrial applications of embedded software, Tamme's experience stretches from FPGAs to Industrial automation protocols.

Get your ticket!

Conference incl workshop tickets are sold out.

Already have a ticket for the conference?
You'll need an additional workshop ticket.

  • Workshop ticket - Individual - € 225
  • Workshop ticket - Employer-paid - € 300

Go to Workshop tickets, and choose the "Mix-in Rust" workshop ticket.

Building debuggable applications—a tracing crate masterclass

Wednesday (day 2) 09:00-13:00

Your Rust application has finally been deployed to production! Nice! But is it working? This workshop will show you how the tracing crate can be leveraged to instrument your application and make sure you have enough information to diagnose issues when they occur.

This workshop is designed for developers operating Rust services in production-like environments or preparing to do so.

An introduction to the tracing instrumentation library, covering both how to instrument your code (capturing fields, log levels, macros) and how to process the resulting telemetry data in your application (subscriber configuration, logging levels, log filtering). We'll also touch on how tracing integrates with OpenTelemetry.

Workshop by

Luca Palmieri

Principal Engineering Consultant @ Mainmatter

Luca Palmieri builds technology products for a living. He has been part of the Rust community since 2018 and is best known as the author of “Zero to Production in Rust”, the go-to book for backend development in Rust.

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